domingo, mayo 19, 2024
Federal Government

Edoméx strengthens access to food, health, education and housing and promotes empowerment of women / @alfredodelmazo @Edomex >>>

#Edoméx.- In the State of Mexico, access to food, health, education and housing is strengthened through the Familias Fuertes strategy, in addition to promoting the development and empowerment of Mexican women with programs such as the Salario Rosa, which aims to reach 600,000 housewives by the end of this year, said Governor Alfredo Del Mazo Maza.

«The Familias Fuertes strategy has strengthened access to food, health, education and housing for those Mexicans who live with the greatest social deprivation. In five years we have provided direct support to children, young people, women and senior citizens, totaling more than 7 million unique beneficiaries, of which six out of every 10 are women,» he said during his message on the occasion of the Fifth Report on Results.

The head of the state government said that one of his government’s commitments is to the women of Mexico, who are the backbone of families, the support of homes and the pillar of communities, which is why the Salario Rosa program recognizes the efforts and contributions of housewives and heads of household.

«In response to this commitment, from the start of my administration we launched a unique social program in Mexico,» she said.

«By the end of this year, Salario Rosa will have expanded opportunities for more than 600 thousand women, improving their economy, their quality of life, and that of their families. Salario Rosa revalues the contribution of women, guarantees their social rights, empowers them and at the same time boosts their aspirations,» she emphasized.

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